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*** NOW IN UAE *** B2B PRICES***


Noon & Co. are curators of an artisan-led guild that embodies the spirit and heritage of stone craft. We have mastered the art of blending the timeless and exquisite centuries-long heritage of stone crafting with a touch of modernism. Nothing radiates pure affluence and exclusivity more than natural stone. A product only nature can craft. Irreplaceable by any other material. There is no limit to the variety of colors and textures.

Our Work

We pride ourselves upon producing art pieces that showcase unparalleled craftsmanship where each piece produced resonates a story of its own; Quality, innovation, craftsmanship, and sustainability are values that we uphold. Our products are second to none in quality. We are paving our way to earn your trust with every consignment, a rare feat substantiating our longevity.

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